Yoga for beginners ( - drop-ins possible - )
Looking for a greater connection to your body, a sense of calm and peace in your mind or simply a stretch through all your muscle and bones to get rid of tightness or tension? Yoga is a great tool to create spaciousness for any body, shape or age.
Yoga Philosophy explains how the constantly changing nature of life causes physical, mental, and emotional suffering. It is easy to be thrown off balance by the daily flux of experiences. In your yoga practice, you learn to tap a source of calm and stability that is accessible throughout life’s twists and turns. Stabilising your upright mid-line while twisting in Bharadvajasana (a yogic twist) or opening through shoulders and chest while feeling integrity in the rest of the body in Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward-facing dog pose) can be a training ground for finding inner balance and equanimity.
Curious about trying yoga and feeling a little intimidated by full run classes? This 7-week course is a great opportunity to polish up the skills and get a proper dive into yoga in a safe and nurturing environment and community.
Dates and Contact:
6. January - 17. February 2020, Mondays 19.30 – 21.00
New Wave Gym, Liniengasse 14, 1060 Vienna
Cost for the whole course: EUR 95,-
Drop in: EUR 17,-
Application via email to