The Lightness of Being Course
- A Journey Back to Your Heart Centre
2020 has been a wild year and you might have a lot going on with less or too much work, the new format of family life, restrictions to travel and leisure, climate change, political craziness and so much more. Time feels like an in-between and things are uncertain, and they are uncertain on a whole new level.
This might make you feel: anxious, tired and exhausted, as if every day contains this extra additional stress that doesn’t serve you.
What you really want is to be past all this right now, which is impossible. But even so you can have the feelings of calmness and centredness and living a full life right now, despite all the turmoil.
I totally get it. It is not your fault! Nobody has told you that the answer is to go within, instead of hastily jumping from one task to the next. Here is the deal: We cannot control our circumstances. The only thing you can do is to connect back to you and to specifically connect back to your heart centre.
That’s why right now, created this course, because I want to support us through this possibly transformational time. I work with people on such a deep level, looking to not only teach yoga on the mat, but the integration of yoga philosophy into daily life to create lasting lightness through the whole of your day.
Here is how we do it:
The 3-month online course “The Lightness of Being” starting on the 20th of October will lead you back to your heart centre, to feeling aligned with your soul, being truly able to connect to yourself, others and the environment with the help of 4 pillars:
Pause and Breathe: Learning to rest and to calm the nervous system to heal.
Explore and Play: Finding ease and aliveness in your body through movement, a new won freedom.
Reconnect to the Heart Centre: Aligning with your deeper nature or how to find out what really matters in your life.
Open Outwards: Integrate the learnings into your daily life and develop a feel good practice which inspires you.
You will use yoga, breath work, meditation and reflection to truly transform your practice and it’s effects past the mat and into your life. A weekly nourishing 90min yoga class will be the backbone to the course and offer a consistency and rhythm, to strengthen your practice, body and mind. Reflections, connection calls and meditation invitations in between the session will build the foundation of lasting transformation past the proximity of your yoga mat and session and live a more aligned life.
Started the 20th of October 2020! So Applications for this departure are sadly closed!
Even if the applications are closed and you would still like to find out more if and how we could work together, I warmly invite you to my free call, where you will be able to reflect on your yoga practice and its integration in your everyday life. Together we will come up with a couple of ideas and plans and if it fits and if you like I will suggest a couple of ways we could work together.
“A huge, warm, loving thank you for sharing your absolutely beautiful Journey back to your heart course last week. You are really a spectacular soul, I am so grateful to have reconnected with you. It was a wonderful opportunity to have shared this gorgeous supportive space with others too, it feels really rare to find these spaces with such a sense of shared experience and community. So thank you, thank you, thank you! ️
I found the sessions super fascinating, challenging and deeply peaceful. I was very curious to learn about the different aspects of the heart and the different energy lines and currents throughout the body. The Oms were felt very deeply, and resonated with your guidance.”